

An RBG Services consultant can assist in the development of budgeting and forecasting processes as well as help develop the budgets and reporting packages. For start-ups, new ventures and company raising capital we can assist int the development of business plans and placement memorandum.

Budgets & Forecast
  • Develop and evaluate financial models as part of you annual budget process and ongoing forecasting needs.  This includes the development of P&Ls, Balance Sheet and Cash flow budgets.
  • Assist in implementing a budget process that includes all stakeholders and departments, ensuring buy-in accountability.
  • Work to put in place the tools and processes to measure your company’s performance against the budgets & Forecast
Strategic Planning
  • Provide assistance defining your business strategy
  • Provide planning to assist to help reach your long term goals.
  • Prepare SWOT and situational analysis including  assessing  internal and external factors such as staffing reviews; identifying key competencies and  organizational weakness;  customer and  competitive analysis; markets and  regulatory environment.
  • Prepare 3 & 5 year budgets
Business Plan Development 
  • If you are considering a new venture or need to document your business for a transaction, we can assist in developing and preparing your business plan (including Offering Memorandum) and related executive summaries and presentations.

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